Beauty that protects the Sea, Nature and skin Health

바다와 자연,  그리고 피부를 지키는 아름다움

내 피부 속 깊이 채우는 바다

The sea and nature, then there’s beauty that guards skin.

The sea is to fill your skin deeply.


Beauty that protects the Sea, Nature and skin Health

바다와 자연, 그리고 피부를 지키는 아름다움

내 피부 속 깊이 채우는 바다 

The sea and nature, then there’s beauty that guards skin.

The sea is to fill your skin deeply.

The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea

당신의 피부

우리가 지켜야 할 모든 것

For your skin, here are all the things we must

abide by altogether.

우리의 여정은 당신의 시작을 찾습니다.

피부 본연의 건강함, 피부에 닿는 촉감과

지속되는 시간, 그리고 편안함

The genesis of Marinavi: the sea and nature.

Marinavi has conserved nature—a gift from

the deep sea—for a long time.

바다의 깊은 곳에서 온 선물 마리나비

맑고 깨끗한 바다의 힘을 믿고 그 힘을 통해

피부 본연의 아름다움을 찾아갑니다.

The completion of Marinavi: skin and health.

Marinavi cares about skin’s innate health, 

tactility on skin, lastingness, and comfort.


The Power of the Sea

바다의 힘

바다의 순수함과 해조류의 영양을 바탕으로 ‘바다의힘‘ 을

담은 마리나비는 피부를 보호하고 건강하게 유지시킵니다.

Created based on the purity of the sea and nutrients derived from sea plants, 

Marinavi aims to protect the skin and maintain its health.


자연의 순수함

천연 성분의 조화, 마리나비는

자연 그대로의 순수함을 피부에 전달합니다.

Marinavi, which stands for the harmony of natural ingredients, aims to deliver the purity of nature

itself to the skin.

The Innovation of Recycling

자원순환의 혁신

어업 폐기물에서 재탄생한 마리나비는

환경을 생각하는 브랜드입니다. 

바다의 자원을 재활용하여 지속가능한 아름다움을 추구하며, 

지구와 피부를 동시에 지키는 친환경 화장품을 연구합니다.

Marinavi, reborn from fishing industry waste, is an environmentally conscious brand. 

It researches environment-friendly cosmetics designed to guard the earth and skin while recycling marine resources and pursuing sustainable beauty. 

깨끗한 바다 속에서 춤추는 나비, 해조류

[  Marine + 나비  ]


바다와 자연 그리고 피부를 지키는 화장품을 연구합니다. 

The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea The Deep Stories Told by the Sea


그리고 우리가 함께 지켜야 할 모든 것들

For your skin, here are all the things we must abide by altogether.

마리나비의 첫 시작, 바다와 자연

바다 깊은 곳에서 온 선물, 자연을 오랫동안 보존합니다.

The genesis of Marinavi: the sea and nature.

Marinavi has conserved nature—a gift from

the deep sea—for a long time.

마리나비의 완성,  피부와 건강

피부 본연의 건강함, 피부에 닿는 촉감, 

지속되는 시간, 그리고 편안함

The completion of Marinavi: skin and health.

Marinavi cares about skin’s innate health, 

tactility on skin, lastingness, and comfort.

mobile background


The Power of the Sea

바다의 힘

바다의 순수함과 해조류의 영양을 바탕으로

‘바다의힘‘ 을 담은 마리나비는 피부를 보호하고 건강하게 유지시킵니다.

Created based on the purity of the sea and nutrients derived from sea plants, 

Marinavi aims to protect the skin and maintain its health.

The Purity of Nature

자연의 순수함

천연 성분의 조화, 마리나비는 자연 그대로의 순수함을 피부에 전달합니다.

Marinavi, which stands for the harmony of natural ingredients, 

aims to deliver the purity of nature itself to the skin.

The Innovation of Recycling

자원순환의 혁신

어업 폐기물에서 재탄생한 마리나비는 환경을 생각하는 브랜드입니다. 

바다의 자원을 재활용하여 지속가능한 아름다움을 추구하며, 

지구와 피부를 동시에 지키는 친환경 화장품을 연구합니다.

Marinavi, reborn from fishing industry waste, is an environmentally conscious brand. 

It researches environment-friendly cosmetics designed to guard the earth and

skin while recycling marine resources and pursuing sustainable beauty. 

깨끗한 바다 속에서 춤추는 나비, 해조류

[  Marine + 나비  ]

마리나비 |바다와 자연 그리고 피부를 지키는 화장품을 연구합니다.


COMPANY 주식회사 이노플럭스 어업회사법인

OWNER 박수미  |  E-mail  innoflux0120@gmail.com

ORDER LICENSE 제 2022-전남완도-030호

BUSINESS LICENSE  481-87-02173 [사업자정보확인]

ADDRESS  전라남도 완도군 완도읍 농공단지4길 21-7,

기업지원동 201호 (해양바이오연구센터)


농협    351-1166-9479-73

예금주    주식회사 이노플럭스 어업회사법인

Copyright ©2024 marinavi. All rights reserved.


농협    351-1166-9479-73

예금주   주식회사 이노플럭스 어업회사법인


COMPANY 주식회사 이노플럭스 어업회사법인

OWNER 박수미  |  E-mail  innoflux0120@gmail.com  |  상담  카카오 채널 마리나비 [상담채널추가]

ORDER LICENSE 제 2022-전남완도-030호  |  BUSINESS LICENSE  481-87-02173 [사업자정보확인]

ADDRESS  전라남도 완도군 완도읍 농공단지4길 21-7,기업지원동 201호 (해양바이오연구센터)

Copyright ©2024 marinavi. All rights reserved.